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10/23 Meeting Recap

By: Clarissa Ruiz

This week, UT PRSSA hosted their meeting at Pluckers. Aside from chowing down on some delicious wings, PRSSA members got to sit down and discuss each other’s future goals and how we can achieve them. With this, members were able to guide each other on how to become our best selves for the future workforce.

As a new member, I am still learning and adjusting to the university and city life. Similarly, there are many others out there who are also going through the same trials and tribulations. Because of this, it leads us all to think: Where do I begin? How can I succeed in where I want to be? But fear not. After the meeting, I was inspired by the advice I was given from fellow PRSSA members that I am going to pass on to you.

Below are some tips that were mentioned during the meeting that will help keep you on track with your career goals. With this, you can apply these as your motivators to reflect, achieve, and do better.

1. Know your career goals and plan ahead.

Have an idea on what you want your career goals to look like? Stick to them and let those

dreams become motivators to succeed. Create a structured plan that will guide you to achieve your goals. Need assistance on where to begin? Seek available resources that are near you. Whether it’d be through a visit with UT’s Career Services or seeking advice from professors, know that there are people out there who want students like you to succeed. Neglecting those resources can hurt you with missed opportunities and information. Additionally, there are online resources and books available to inspire you and help you fulfill your goals. Check out PRSSA’s parent organization website, Public Relations Society of America or, of course, the Public Relations Student Society of America website. Some great reads to help stimulate your drive include “Presence: Bringing your Boldest Self to Your Biggest Challenges” by Amy Cuddy and “Scaling Up Excellence: Getting to More Without Settling for Less” by Robert I. Sutton and Hayagreeva Rao.

With inspiration comes motivation. With motivation comes ideas. With ideas comes a future plan.

2. Know your strengths and weaknesses.

Knowing your strengths and weaknesses gives you an understanding on what needs to be

improved and what works best for you. In the workforce, it is easy to let your flaws outshine

your strengths. In order to grow, practicing on improving your weaknesses is crucial to personal growth. Learn how to work your way through these obstacles to progress. One way you can gain improvement is through the guidance of your professors or advisors. Having a professional reference to lean on can give you a peace of mind on what works best for you to advance.

3. Seek professional experiences pertaining to your career goals.

At UT, there are tons of opportunities for students to gain experiences that will benefit them in the future. Besides gaining knowledge through class, joining organizations and applying for internships can prepare you for after graduation. For UT PRSSA members, check out UT’s Communication Career Services website to schedule an appointment and find information on where to apply for your next internship, how to strengthen your resume, and when to attend career job fairs. Additionally, become involved in organizations that pertain to your career goals. Here at PRSSA, we guide and allow members to experience what being in Public Relations is all about.

PRSSA members participating in mixer activity.

While I was getting to know each individual member, I realized how alike but different we all are. We each have our own goals to achieve and struggles to overcome. If there is one thing we’ve all learned from this week’s meeting, it is that we are all on a journey to succeed.

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