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Professional New Year’s Resolutions

Welcome back Texas PRSSA! 

Cheers to a new year and a new you. We would like everyone to reflect on 2023 and pat yourselves on the back for completing a year of hard work. With 2024 making its way into our lives, we all want to take this year head on and make the most of it.

So, for this year, consider investing in your future through professional new year’s resolutions! 

How, or what, you may ask? Here are a few things you can do to start the year off on a great note and further your professional growth:

Regularly update your resume and LinkedIn profile

Take some time to make sure that your resume and LinkedIn profile is up to date and includes all your relevant work experiences, volunteering, extracurricular activities, education, etc. 

Need help with your resume? Check out the Moody College Career Center or Texas Career Engagement for more information, and always stay on the lookout for Texas PRSSA resume workshops and review sessions!

Take a new headshot

Take a professional photo so you can update your LinkedIn profile picture! Your headshot is one of the first impressions that prospective employers see on your profile, so be confident and showcase your professionalism.

The Moody Career Center offers headshot opportunities throughout the semester, and Texas PRSSA will offer an opportunity for members to take headshots in April. Interested in attending? Check out @moodycareercenter and @TexasPRSSA on Instagram for more details.

Attend career fairs

Meet prospective employers and expand your network by attending a career fair! Come ready with an elevator pitch to make yourself standout, printed copies of your resume, and a can-do-it attitude to build relationships with various companies and professionals in your field(s) of interest. 

Before you leave, make sure to gather business cards or contact information to connect with professionals afterwards! A follow-up email reiterating your conversation and interest in the company can also help you stand out. 

Attend workshops and seminars

Attending seminars is a great way to gain industry insights in fields of interest. These events offer an opportunity to learn new skills, gain valuable knowledge and the chance to network with industry professionals. Use them to your own advantage!

Practice Interviewing

Set yourself up for success by researching companies that interest you, practicing common interview questions and conducting mock interviews to familiarize yourself with the process.

Preparation can go a long way in helping boost your confidence and nail your interview. 

The Moody Career Center and Big Interview are both great resources for practicing interviews.

Seek mentorship

Finding a mentor can help you navigate the uncertainties of your career path by providing personalized advice, support and valuable insight about the ins and outs of your industry. Mentorship provides a one-on-one bond with an industry professional and improves both your personal and professional growth.

If you’re interested in being connected with a mentor, apply to Texas PRSSA’s mentor program by Friday, February 22, 2024!

Keep applying!

Applying to multiple jobs may seem intimidating and challenging, but it never hurts to try! Push yourself to finally write that cover letter you have been putting off, do that job application you saved weeks ago and show up for yourself by putting your name out there. The more jobs you apply to, the greater the possibility, and the more opportunities you expose yourself to.

Not sure where to begin? Check out Handshake or the PRSSA internships Slack channel to see the latest job postings both in and outside of Austin.

These are just a few suggestions of how you can take this year head on and start to develop yourself professionally. Again, welcome into the new year and I wish everyone the best in your endeavors. We got this!

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