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Five Tips To Get Through Finals

by Kimberly Rodriguez

It’s that time of the year again: finals season. For many, this means countless days

studying, few hours of sleep and many energy drinks and coffees throughout. While

it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by exams and projects, it’s important for you to take

time to de-stress and rejuvenate. Here are a few helpful tips that will get you

through finals more smoothly:

1. Create a Study Plan

Before you dive into your books and notes, take time to get organized by

creating a study plan. To get started, add the date and time of each exam in

Google Calendar or your personal planner. After this, block out times

dedicated to studying. Consider which exams will require the most

preparation, and establish reasonable study goals to hit each day of the week.

Once you have a plan mapped out, you will already feel more at ease!

2. Eat (but not just chips)

Although it’s sometimes easy to skip a meal when you’re in the middle of a

study session, it’s important to put down the books and take time to eat.

Eating nutritional meals is one of the most important ways for you to stay

healthy and energized. Along with this, it’s a great excuse to take a break!

3. Get Enough Sleep

Most of us have experienced a late night study session at the PCL – cramming

in as much information as possible before the next day – but staying up until

3 a.m. and waking up at 7 a.m. is not the most efficient way to study. To

effectively retain information, it’s important to get enough sleep. If you can’t

get the recommended 7 hours of sleep, try taking a quick nap during the day.

This will allow you to refocus and get to work again!

4. Talk to People

If you’re struggling to understand a concept, reach out to a friend or

classmate for help. They will more than likely be glad to help you, and their

assistance may relieve your stress and save you a lot of time. In addition, talk

to your friends and family if you’re mentally drained. Getting through finals

can be extremely overwhelming at times, so lean on your loved ones for

support. Along with this, the Counseling and Mental Health Center has a ton

of resources available for students to get through this challenging time in the

semester. For more information, visit:

5. Breathe

I know getting through finals can be tough, but you’re so close to being done!

When your stress is rising, take a few seconds to relax and breathe. You’ve accomplished so much already, so believe in yourself and crush those exams!


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